Contraception and family planning IV: Depo-provera

Depo-provera often called birth control shot is a well known brand for medroxy progesterone acetate works by preventing ovulation, thinning of the womb and cause thickening of cervical mucus. Each ml contain 150mg of prefilled medroxy progesterone acetate and is administered to the muscle commonly at the arm or upper part of the buttock.
It has effectiveness rate of 94% to prevent pregnancy and maybe continued till age of 50 years old if no contraindication such as unexplained genital bleeding, breast cancer, active liver disease and risks of osteoporosis. It is given every 3 monthly.
Depo-provera injection often given within seven days of starting the period. Your doctor may perform pregnancy test to exclude active pregnancy first prior to administration.
Among common side-effects are headache, nausea, breast tenderness, vaginal spotting and irregular menstrual pattern. It may cause no menses among women after 1 year of usage. There is a small association of weight gain amongst users after 6 months of usage due to water retention. It might also affect bone density causing osteoporosis. Upon discontinuation, there maybe delay return of fertility for up to one year.
If you would like to ask further question about Depo-provera or contraception and family planning in general, talk to our doctor for more information.