SOS! Reignite back the spark in your sex life

There comes a time even in a stable committed relationship no matter how happy you both are, sex life can take a step back and dip into monotonous and mundane course. This can be due to various reasons such as medical illness, hormonal changes, pregnancy, having newborn and stress.
Sexual intimacy tends to follow a pattern as a relationship evolves. New couple may experience elated sense of sexual excitement and have regular sex but with age and starting family and having children can significantly change sexual intimacy. This is becauses the priorities are now shift to raising family added with physical exhaustion, work commitment and lack of privacy. However, many relationship do not recover from their post-baby zone and even if there is sex, it becomes just another routine. Intimacy is key to having a healthy, functional and overall happy relationship.
Here are several ways you can spice up and reignite back the spark in your sex life:
- Communicate your sexual needs. Be open to your partner and let him/her know about how you feels and discuss ways of how you both can change it
- Learn your partner love languages. Women tend to want intimacy when they feel emotionally connected to their partner. Sex doesn't begin in the bedroom but it start from outside the bedroom. Take your partner for a nice candle light dinner and put effort to look good for your partner to set the mood for the action. Try wearing a sexy lingerie for your partner as men are more responsive to visual sexual stimuli
- Try new things like visiting a new restaurant, spend a night in the hotel or have date at the place where you first met or your first date
- Put focus on non-sexual acts like kissing, hugging, complement your partner, massage or rub his/her feets
- Don't underestimate the importance of lubricant. Men tend to get fully aroused quicker than women on average about 10 minutes but women may take up to 20 minutes of foreplay to become completely aroused. Use of lubricant can make sex more comfortable for you and your partner
- Schedule a date night every week. Set aside a time just for the both of you away from distraction of children, work or electronic gadget to keep the desire burning and create anticipation. Couples who schedule time to connect with each lead a much healthier and happier relationship. It does not have to end in sex every time but it is more about having fun together
- Love yourself. Being confidence and physically attractive exude sexual attraction to your partner. Take good care of yourself by focusing on your general health and do physical exercises regularly
If you have any questions regarding sexual health, talk to our doctor for more information.