Klinik Temasya
Health Screening

Health screening: Detecting Health Problems Early

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For more information regarding our health screening packages

Health screening is a vital arm of preventive medicine and public health. As the saying goes; prevention is better than cure, the goal of preventive medicine is to promote health and well-being and prevent 3D's namely disease, disability and death. So even though you are not having symptoms and generally feeling healthy, it does not mean that you don't need to go for health screening. Regular health screening is important to detect any disease or health risks at the earliest of stages or before it happen, allowing the right course of action to be administered immediately. 

The most effective health screening needs to tailor to patient's individual needs and risk factors. Your doctor will recommend testings based on your health risk stratification which taking into account factors such as your age, gender, lifestyle such as smoking and alcohol comsumption, pre-existing medical conditions, family history, sexual practice and whether or not you are having any health symptoms currently. 

At Klinik Temasya, we offered various affordable health screening packages that can be customised to suit your needs and budget. In out-patient setting, health screening will includes comprehensive history and physical examination by a doctor, anthropometric measurements (weight, height, BMI, waist circumference), visual acuity and color vision test, hearing test and blood pressure measurement. Based on the initial assessment, the doctor will suggest various health screening packages suitable for you.


- Full blood count (FBC): check various components of your blood cells and its differential such as white blood cells (WBC) for signs of infection, red blood cells (RBC) to assess for low haemoglobin (anaemia) or too much haemoglobin (polycythaemia) and platelet level (important for clotting process and may be low because of infection such as viral fever or poor liver function)

- Renal function: to evaluate your kidney function and assess for abnormal electrolytes such as sodium and potassium. Based on your serum creatitine and your age, sex and body size, measurement of Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) can be calculated which is the best overall index of kidney function. 

- Liver function test (LFT): to evaluate your liver function and measure certain enzymes and proteins produced by your liver such as ALT, AST, ALP, albumin, bilirubin and GGT. If you have an abnormal liver test, your doctor may also perform additional testing such as hepatitis screening (to check for infection such as Hepatitis A, B and C), liver cancer marker (AFP) and ultrasound of the liver

- Fasting glucose level: to evaluate for diabetes. Normal fasting glucose is between 4.4 to 5.6 mmol/L. If you have abnormal fasting glucose, your doctor may perform other testing such as oral glucose tolerate test (OGTT) and HbA1c level

- Lipid profile: to evaluate for high cholesterol level or hyperlipidaemia.This can be perform fasting or random. There are several measurements for lipid profile such as total cholesterol, HDL, LDL and triglycerides. 

- Uric acid: to evaluate for elevated level of uric acid (hyperuricaemia). You may not have any symptoms or disease such as gout even if you have hyperuricaemia. Patient with hyperuricaemia will not require treatment but are encouraged to bring down the level by making healthy changes in diet and lifestyles. However, if you have hyperuricaemia and gout, your doctor may prescribe you with daily medication to help bring down your uric acid level.

- Thyroid function test (TFT): to measure how well your thyroid gland is working. It consists of measurement of free thyroxine hormone namely, free T4 (commonly performed), free T3 and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

Please contact us to make an appointment for your health screening.


- Urine FEME (UFEME): is a full examination of urine under microscope. It can detect presence of urinary tract infection, blood in the urine (haematuria), glucose (sugar), protein and cast in the urine. 

- Urine albumin/creatitine ratio (ACR): to detect presence of elevated protein in the urine to diagnose kidney disease and screening for early complications of kidney from chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension


- ECG: is a test to assess the heart's rhythm and electrical activity. ECG can detect various abnormalities in the heart such abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia), heart attack (even previous heart attack), shape and position of the heart and whether there is inflammation in your heart muscle. If you have abnormal ECG, your doctor may ask you to undergo further testing such as echocardiogram, exercise stress test and Holter monitoring

- Chest Xray: is used to view an images of your chest looking at the lung, heart, ribs and blood vessels. It can provide information to diagnose various diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, COPD, heart failure, cancer and pneumothorax 

- Spirometry or lung function test: to evaluate how well your lung is working. It is useful to confirm various lung conditions such as asthma, COPD, scarring of the lung (lung fibrosis) and to monitor how well control is your lung disease

- Pap smear: is a screening procedure to check for presence of precancerous or cancerous cells in your cervix

- Mammogram:  is essentially an Xray of your breast. It can be use as a screening test or diagnostic to confirm breast cancer

- Bone Mineral Density (BMD): is a measure of bone mineral content and density of your bones. It is then compared to healthy young adults (your T-score) and age-matched adults (your Z-score). It can help to diagnose early stage of bone loss (osteopenia) and osteoporosis and to monitor the effectiveness of your osteoporosis medication to prevent further bone loss 

- Faecal occult blood test (FOBT): to detect presence of hidden or traces amount of blood in the stool for screening of colorectal cancer

- Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) screening: are various testing to check for presence of STD. This can be done from sample of your blood, urine, fluid sample or swab. Most common STD testing are for Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Herpes, Hepatitis, HIV, Syphilis, NGU and HPV. You are recommended to perform STD screening if you are sexually active even if you are assymptomatic and in monogamous relationship

At Klinik Temasya, we are committed to maximizing your access to a better and healthier life. With early detection and proper medical guidance, diseases and health risks can be treated which result in better outcomes and lower risk of serious complications. .

Talk to our doctor today about health screening packages that is suitable for your health needs.

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